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Objective: The clinician‐rated (QIDS‐C 16) and self‐report (QIDS‐SR 16) versions of the 16‐item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology have been extensively examined in adult populations. This study evaluated both versions of the QIDS and the 17‐item Children's Depressive Rating Scale – Revised (CDRS‐R) in an adolescent outpatient sample. Method: Both the QIDS‐C 16 and QIDS‐SR 16 were completed for the adolescents. Three different methods were used to complete the QIDS‐C 16: (a) adolescents' responses to clinician interviews; (b) parents' responses to clinician interview; and (c) a composite score using the most pathological response from the two interviews. Both classical and item response theory methods were used.
Factor analyses evaluated the dimensionality of each scale. Results: The sample included 140 adolescent outpatients. All versions of the QIDS, save the parent interview, and the CDRS‐R were very reliable ( α ≥ 0.8). All four versions of the QIDS are reasonably effective and unidimensional.
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The CDRS‐R was clearly at least two‐dimensional. The CDRS‐R was the most discriminating among low and extremely high levels of depression. The QIDS‐SR 16 was the most discriminating at moderate levels of depression. There was no relation between the QIDS scores and concurrent Axis III comorbidities. Conclusion: The QIDS‐C 16 and the QIDS‐SR 16 are suitable for use in adolescents. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Facebook apk for pc download. • Rosemary Purcell, Anthony F. Hickie, Alison R. Yung, Christos Pantelis, G.
Paul Amminger, Nick Glozier, Eoin Killackey, Lisa J. Phillips, Stephen J. Wood, Susy Harrigan, Andrew Mackinnon, Elizabeth Scott, Daniel F. Hermens, Adam J. Guastella, Amanda Kenyon, Laura Mundy, Alissa Nichles, Antoinette Scaffidi, Daniela Spiliotacopoulos, Lara Taylor, Janet P.Y. Tong, Suzanne Wiltink, Natalia Zmicerevska and Patrick D. McGorry, Demographic and clinical characteristics of young people seeking help at youth mental health services: baseline findings of the Transitions Study, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 9, 6, (487-497), (2014).