Aoe 2 Multiplayer Hack Gameranger Reviews Casper
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings Nominator(s): Giggy The Age of Kings is arguably the best real-time strategy video game ever made. I've worked on this one a great deal lately as part of the V 0.7 push.It had a fair bit of copyediting done by Pagrashtak and I think it's ready now. Of course I'm happy to act on any comments raised here.
I've had a LAN party with my friend this weekend and it's been great fun. We've got a regular rotation of games we usually play, most of which are coop games and such.
In addition, we've got a few classics like AoE2. The problem is that they don't always work so well on newer OSes. AoE2 was giving us hell trying to get it to work. Initially, we tried to use our gaming rigs, both of which are running Win7 64-bit.
That was a total failure, we couldn't find each others games (Using both LAN search and IP search options) even after disabling all forms of antivirus and firewalls. Getting a bit desperate, I tried downloading XP mode. When I realized it didn't fully support DirectDraw, I almost murdered a kitten (because my connection is slow and it had taken me 30 minutes to download). I figured I would have to resort to hooking up my school laptop which runs the real deal instead. This time around My friend could find my match, but I could not find his. In addition, he could not connect to me, despite being able to find the game. All AVs and firewalls were disabled on my laptop as well.
Really getting desperate now, my friend pulled up his Vista laptop to see if that would work. Same issues here. He can see my game, but not connect to it, and I don't see his at all. This was really weird, as We've had it work with two Vista machines before (although it was EXTREMELY unpredictable).
We didn't take the time to try Vista on Vista, because I would have to get ATI drivers installed over the Nvidia ones on my Vista partition. In the end, my friend had to use my server to play the game, because it runs XP. Not too surprisingly, this worked flawlessly. Connecting only took a split second, and there were no issues with the game appearing as 'Age of Empires 2: Toxic Wasteland' (Messed up colors). Getting all this stuff set up was a massive pain in the ass, as you can probably imagine. That's why I need some help getting the game to work on Windows 7, or at the very least, Vista.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! NOTE: I wasn't sure where to put this topic, but I feel that I'm more likely to get helped out here, than in the PC games forum. I managed to figure it out guys.
I found this, which pointed me in the right direction (see the bottom post). Using TCPview I managed to find that the issue was W7/Vista was always sending the handshake packets to the external IP address, instead of the correct LAN address. I tried using an older router that wasn't hooked up to the internet for testing. However, it was configured for static IP, which meant that Vista/W7 was still trying to use the external IP. I reset the router (changing it back to dynamic IP, or whatever you call it), which did the trick.
Since the router wasn't getting an external IP address (stayed at Vista/W7 managed to understand I wasn't trying to play online, and connected to the correct IP. If you do have a dynamic IP, disconnecting the WAN cable from your router might do the trick, but this was not the case for me.

I managed to figure it out guys. I found this, which pointed me in the right direction (see the bottom post). Using TCPview I managed to find that the issue was W7/Vista was always sending the handshake packets to the external IP address, instead of the correct LAN address. I tried using an older router that wasn't hooked up to the internet for testing. However, it was configured for static IP, which meant that Vista/W7 was still trying to use the external IP. I reset the router (changing it back to dynamic IP, or whatever you call it), which did the trick.
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