Dead Island Riptide Lan Fix
I thought I'd bring some cool tweaks, fixes, mods, and an application created by Logan. Check it out (Links) Tweaks and fixes. Dead Island Helper Utility. You don't have to edit the files manually. This will do it for ya. Techland also confirmed that editing files won't get you VAC-Banned. The download link is at the bottom of the notes and above the author's name (for those that cannot find it): Dead Island Helper Utlility P.S.
Try to enjoy Dead Island with these amazing tweaks, fixes, and modifications. It took me a while to find these. Zemax free download. My eyes bled from searching the Steam Forums with the continued Dead Island rants,:lol. Or simply use the Helper Utility. In return, I hope these additions enhance your Dead Island game so that you'll be able to enjoy it as much as I have and still do. Note: I don't take any credit for any of these amazing works. I'm simply passing on the word to my fellow Dead Island fanatics.
All authors' names are credited through the links on the Steam Forums. If you have anything to share, please post and I'll update it and credit you for your find.
Thank you for your support! My favorite is the FSAA tweak through Nvidia Inspector that truly applies AA. Doing that in the video ini file does nothing. I've tested it and this WORKS. Jaggies are gone and everything looks so much more crisp and sharp. I no longer see jaggies on vehicles, among other things.
Here are the screenshots of Overcast Weather vs Vanilla. The third screenshot is the game's actual rain weather effects (not a mod). People are so quick to dismiss this game because of Techland's bad launch. They've dedicated themselves to fixing most of the issues. The rest are taken care of by the mod community.

Maksudnya LAN offline gitu? Alias pakai 2 PC berdekatan? Kurang tau juga kk, yang pasti untuk co-op online sih bisa coba tes pakai gamepad kk, atau matiin vsync, n itu emang belum di fix isu lag / stutteringnya so kita nunggu aja patch terbarunya coba kk edit file game.ini pakai notepad, letaknya dead island riptide/DI/Data, ubah Locale('En') ke. I downloaded dead island riptide It gets downloaded, then I mount it, then I open setup And after the setup is finished “it says dead island: riptide Has been successfully installed but when I go to open it up it Says that I don’t have a file and that reinstalling should fix this.

I was going to write off Techland myself during the first 3 days from the game's launch but this game is too incredible to pass up. It's easily one of my top 5 games of 2011. Immersive, satisfying melee combat system, great audio including zombie's voices and soundtrack, huge open-world, a sense of survival aspect in a zombie game for the first time without all the campy and arcade-y feel. Of course, this is just my opinion.
Vanilla Weather+bloom Overcast Weather + bloom disabled This last screenshot isn't a mod. It's one of the levels in the game with it's own Rain Weather effects. A lot of people complained this game doesn't have other weather effects but that's not entirely not true. They probably didn't even get pass the first ACT yet and were too quick to judge the game for themselves. All I can say is: It's awesome. It would have been cool if the resort in ACT 1 had other weather effects along with day and night cycle, but in the game context, it wouldn't have made sense.
I'm sure that was the developer's true intentions to stick to the game's timeline. Audio Crackling/Static Fix I posted about 30+ of my very own screenshots of Dead Island here if you wanted to check them out. The tweaker only seems to affect my FOV none of the other settings change.