Download Anleitung Cccam Installieren Google
Download the softcam (here we use the CCcam 2.2.1) you want to install: » DOWNLOAD: 2. Copy the file softcam to the ‘tmp’ folder on your sat box; 2. Then go to ipk installer (from the tv screen, press blue button, then choose 'plugins' and the choose 'ipk Installer'; 4.
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Then select memory /tmp then 'install extensions' by moving over it to highlight it and pressing ok to select it; 5. Now press the green button to install it; 3. Once installed, exit out back to the tv screen (normal screen) and press the green button and then the green button again; 4. Now you should have a softcam entry in the downloaded plugins; 8.
Select 'Softcams' and select the softcam that you want to activate; 9. Set up your cline/nline etc and all should work. Music: Joakin Karud.
Recommend Documents. Interpretieren_kurze Anleitung. Mutants and masterminds character generator free printable. Aber letz tendlich findet man keine klare Anleitung zu vielen Themen. Daher habe ich mein komplettes Einrichten mal in dieser „Anleitung“ zusammengefasst. Um die Oscam und CCcam einzurichten die cccam.oscam config for VTI Panel installieren. Weitere Plugins nach. Insert your CCcam detail in CCcam.cfg using FTP (eg. Make sure that no other emu is selected from the blue button menue. Select an incrypted channel.