Facerig Demo To Play Now Internet
I know EQ2 had this in the game and now there is a funding page for a program called FaceRig. What I would like to know would any of us here like to see this make it to the game of TESO? A video cam tracking the players face and animating them in the game. In the video demo of the program it mentions games and I am not sure how this would work unless the developers rig player character faces to allow the program to plug into their game. Here is a video of it in action, if anyone thinks this is advertisemant then delete the thread.
ARKit and iPhone X enable a revolutionary capability for robust face tracking in AR apps. See how your app can. FaceRig demo - (2:37) Currently at an early stage in development, FaceRig.com lets anyone with a webcam digitally embody any character they want. If you'd like to support, visit FaceRig at Indiegogo.
I know other MMO's are adding this in to their games and was wondering if we would see this in TESO as a kind of RP tool? Posts: 3321 Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:24 am. Star Citizen is adding it to their game and so EQ Next this was already in EQ2. Granted not many mmo's but its a sort of new technology so it will take time. In SC during dog fights the web cam will track the players face and show a hologram on your squad mates hud with facial expressions and lip syncing. Although the games use their own versions what if we could plug in a thrid party software with it already programed.

Means little work for the devs of the game, all they need to do is see if it works. After that players download the program and plug it. I don't know just throwing ideas out there. Just thought it would be a cool RP tool to see in a MMO.
I know I would seriously consider buying a web cam to use it. Posts: 3407 Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:23 am. Dracula 3000 cast.