Good Bye Mr Cool.mp4

Is it any good? YES It’s an assault on your emotions. I saw Christopher Robin at an early screening, so I didn’t pay for it. Christopher Robin is an update of Winnie the Pooh kind of in the same vein as Hook is an update of Peter Pan. Like Hook we see a child hero grown up and in a world of grown up responsibilities and no time for fun.
Download Video Goodbye Mr Cool Sub Indo MP3 3GP MP4 (21:10) - Tonton atau download video Goodbye Mr Cool Sub Indo Januari 2019 di 100% gra.
Like Hook he is forced to confront the ghosts of his past and compare his present reality to the promise of his youth. But rather than being swept into the world of his past, his past comes to meet him in his reality. In that way it’s like Mary Poppins except from the perspective of Mr. In the role of magical interloper is Winnie the Pooh. After Christopher Robin leaves the Hundred Acre Wood behind to grow up, he finds himself a boring efficiency manager at a very grown up luggage manufacturing company. But as he finds himself making a mess of his relationship with his child and wife, Winnie the Pooh comes to find him (with all the agency that Pooh usually has which is to say not much).
So I hope at least people will recognize that we worked really hard to get it right, and to be fair. “But I hope that people will find it accurate. It’s hard, as an outsider, to come in and accurately portray a place that is not your own.
Yadda yadda yadda magic enters his world etc etc and you can kinda tell where this one is going. It’s not a movie of a lot of surprises but it does have a lot of heart. All of your favorite characters are here as you remember them (the voices are a bit different but Jim Cummings reprises Pooh and Tigger which was the most crucial for me). And they are just as whimsical as ever. And it reminds you of what you liked about the characters at all.
They are exceedingly endearing and completely without an ounce of malice or selfishness to them. And Eeyore is especially wonderful here, voiced by Brad Garrett. He’s the standout. The main power of this movie is that it asks you, the viewer, to confront when YOU put Pooh away. Just like Toy Story it wants you to reflect on your own life and your own toys and what happened to your time and your fun. It unsubtly asks you to take this journey with Pooh into your own childhood.
It milks the nostalgia really, really well. You can hear refrains of the Winnie the Pooh musical theme. Tigger sings his tigger song. All the characterizations are spot on and you can’t even recall what might be different about the voices. This is a movie about you and what you’re doing with your life, and you should take a vacation every once in a while. Also, bring the tissues because it’s sad. If you’ve seen the trailer you probably know what to expect, but when the feels hit, they hit like a truck.
It’s about loss of innocence and fun and what we do to ourselves in pursuit of our goals. Is it worth it? No, says Pooh. Nothing is worth losing your sense of whimsy. This film is an interesting juxtaposition with the similarly titled Goodbye Christopher Robin. That one is the A.A. Milne biopic.
Both of them seem to have been filmed at the real wood behind Milne’s home. Both are obviously about a Christopher Robin. But the story of the real boy was more tragic and traumatic than that of the fictional one. Still, it’s interesting to see where the paths converge and diverge. I really enjoyed this. I’ve enjoyed Winnie the Pooh for a long time (who hasn’t).

I don’t remember when I last contemplated that silly old bear, but I may give him a stray thought more often. Comments comments.