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Physiographic provinces of Tennessee (Luther 1977). Archaeologists divide the time humans have been in eastern Tennessee into periods. These periods are both references to some span of time, and to some stage in a continuum of increasing social complexity. Clovis type spear points, lengths 5.4 and 4.7 inches. Mastodon molar and bones at the Coats-Hines site. Figure 6, The dark bands in the wall of this excavation show successive buried campsites at a site in the lower Little Tennessee River valley. Figure 7, Early Archaic period projectile points.
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Sims Collection Figure 8, Use of the spear thrower. Drawing by Madeline Kneberg. Courtesy The University of Tennessee Press. Early Woodland pottery making. Drawing by Madeline Kneberg. Courtesy The University of Tennessee Press. The invention and use of pottery was an important event in human history. The oldest documented pottery is in the Jomon culture of Japan over 12,000 years ago. In the New World, pottery is at least 5,000 years old appearing first in Ecuador. In Tennessee, pottery is introduced from two sources. The earliest is a fiber-tempered and sand tempered ware associated with Late Archaic/Early Woodland cultures to the south and appearing first in southwestern Tennessee about 3000 YBP. The second source of pottery manufacture may be the northeast U.S. And is identified by large conical containers with cord and fabric marked exteriors (Figure 16); this style of pottery appears in upper East Tennessee by 2900 YBP. During the Woodland period, pottery manufacturing and container styles changed reflecting regional differences among Woodland cultures. The appearance of pottery in the archaeological record implies a degree of sedentarism, since being bulky and fragile, such vessels were difficult to transport.
Figure 17. Artist’s reconstruction of the Poverty Point site, Lousiana, 1730–1350 BC Drawing courtesy Jon Gibson. Figure 18. Saul’s mound at the Pinson site.
Figure 19. Map of the Old Stone Fort (Squier and Davis 1848) Figure 20. Late Woodland burial mound on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Agricultural Campus. Middle Woodland cultures in Tennessee were engaged in some interaction with the Hopewell culture to the north. Excavations at Pinson in West Tennessee and at Icehouse Bottom in East Tennessee yielded pottery and stone tools of Ohio Hopewell origin. These sites were part of a broader exchange system among Middle Woodland peoples that reached as far south as Crystal River, Florida. Figure 21. The Mississippian period Shiloh site at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee (Morgan 1999). Figure 22. The Mississippian period Toqua site, Monroe County,Tennessee. Drawing by Thomas R.
Figure 24. Male and female sandstone sculptures probably representing the ancestors of a chiefly lineage. Figure 25. Marine shell pendant with engraved rattlesnake. The rattlesnake was associated with the Underworld and led the never ceasing struggle with the powers of the Upper World. A monster composite snake form—the Uktena—figured in Cherokee mythology and was much feared by humans. Figure 26. Copper hair ornament called the bi-lobed arrow was a symbol of chiefly rank. Figure 27. Ceramic bottle in the form of a hunchback woman thought to be symbolic of the “Earth Mother” Figure 28. Ceramic jar with painted cross (thought to symbolize “This World,” sacred fire, and cardinal directions) and sun (principal deity) motifs.

Figure 29. Easy uninstaller pro. A petroglyph of a bird effigy with human arms found on a rock wall deep in the dark zone of a Tennessee cave. References • Breitburg, Emmanuel and John B.