Teamspeak 3 Icons Packs
First of all, congratulations on your nice icon pack. It's a very nice collection. However, you did not create all of these icons.
If you are an admin just put the icons in any folder really, and when you go to change an icon on your TS just upload all the icons at once (click the first, and shift click the last). And they will remain in your icon box for any other icon you change.

The rank icons that you included in this package, were created by me. And as my original licence agreement on states, you are allowed to share the rank icons that I made, as long as you state by whom they were made and link back to my website. Enochian chess software for mac. Claiming that you made these rank icons, without linking back to my website, is in violation with the licence agreement that you accepted when you downloaded my rank icons. So you can either remove the download, or you can give credit where credit is due, and mention my name and link back to my website. Nice try, but the 18 rank icons that you have in your icon pack have the EXACT SAME md5 hash (checksum) as the original CS:GO TeamSpeak Rank icons that I made back in January of this year, which proves (with 100% certainty) that you copied my rank icons.
Proof: And as you can see, my creation date is 5 months prior to your 'creation' (=copy) date: The other icons are not mine, but the 18 matchmaking rank icons *are mine*, and you are NOT allowed to release them as your own creation. So you can either credit me, or I will take legal action. I have licenced these icons under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share-A-like 4.0 International License, as clearly stated on my website.
I am the holder of the copyright on these images, and reproducing or sharing them without referencing the original creator is against the law. Well, as far as I'm concerned the show is over:-). It's pathetic how some people steal other people's creations, claim that they are their own, and then even start fabricating proof to support this. Oh and by the way, the 'modificato il' date means nothing. If I open the files in paint (or any program for that matter), and re-save them, it also says the files were 'created' (modified) that day.
It's really simple. I'm not telling you to remove the files, just mention my name, how hard can it be? Just say: 'some of the icons in this pack were created by Syrah ( )'.

And then we can all be friends:).
Silk” is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons in strokably-soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy.
Lg cdma usb modem software. And all for a low low price of $0.00. You can't say fairer than that. See all icon License I also love to hear of my work being used, feel encouraged to send an email with a link or screenshot of the icons in their new home to mjames at gmail dot com. This work is licensed under a. This means you may use it for any purpose, and make any changes you like. All I ask is that you include a link back to this page in your credits (although a giant link on every page of your website really isn't needed, contact me to discuss specifics). The icons can also be used under (Hi Debian folks!) with the following requirements.