Aoe 2 Multiplayer Hack Gameranger Reviews Of The Post
Age Of Empires 2 Conquerors GameRanger Hack V6 AOE Multiplayer Hack Destructive Mind v6 Game Ranger. DOWNLOAD (Wait 5 sec than click on 'skip ad' in right upper corner) New in this version. Update Check is Fixed. How to use the Hack on AGE OF EMPIRES II Conquerors in Game Ranger.
Hey there guys. So I decided to download Game Ranger and use it while waiting for games in IGZ. Anyways, yesterday I was playing a game with askantik and one other. Between the 3 of use we got beach by a minoan and a yamy.
I had baby, ask had yam, and the other guy had hittite. The hittite got destroyed while being fed and neither ask nor i coud figure it out. I had destroyed the Yammy immediately by doing a tower rush.
I got both his gold mines. I don't remember remember how much but our partner got, but I mined over 10k and askantik over 18k.
The 2 other people mined 6k and a little over 7k. After getting beaten back, I towered up with all my stone.

By the end of the game I had 2500 kills, all gold units. Ask had around 800 and my partner who died, around 500. It was incredible.
I am writing this just to see if anyone else has had problems with hackers and how often. I havn't seen this bad ever. Anyways, take it easy and have a nice day. -rob Author Replies.
You are better off keeping a 'cheats list' and avoiding games with them. I think IGZ now has a tougher banning system so I guess more and more hax will be seen on GameRanger. Some people are simply that good, and although you may think they are hacking try to keep an open mind. I have been accused of hacking on GameRanger many times because some players do not believe some of the things I have done (so be prepared to face plenty of n00bs!).
I am not too sure what kind of hacks exist for AoE. The game should go out-of-sync for most attempts, unless they were using some form of map hack (maybe to see full map etc?).
I've been playing this game since 98 and I have never seen anything like what I saw. I was using scythe to destroy their cats, and even with the 28k gold me and ask mined, they still had an obscene amount. They literally never ran out. Not to mention they knew each other and one of them had this problem where if the game was paused, that person would disconnect.
I do remember his name was 'joe'. Not that it matters because they can change their name. Anyways, it was nothing like I've ever seen before. I don't throw around the 'cheats' word. I know good players. This had nothing to do with being good or bad.
It had to do with how many units they were able to build with so little gold mined. Being an experianced Game Ranger player, Gumble is quite familier with this kind of situation, however it is much more predominant in AoK or AoC. Its stupid to see that you go into fedual age in under 3-5 minutes and an oppenent has flushed you with about 20 skirmishers and 20 spearmen. Now hardcore players can get at least 5-10 skirmishers in under 4 minutes but it requires flawless resources management and a relatively small map. The worst Gumble has seen was a guy who tried to rush our team with a fleet of about 100 Galleons on a water map. We eventurly beat him but according to the 'Achievements' screen he had collected 40,000 wood.
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Looking at the island he was on, it was quite clear not a single tree had been cut down. At least in AoK or AoC you can disable cheats if your hosting the game. However in a game where you controlled all the gold mines and managed to mine 25k and they were still attacking you with gold units is just plain retarded.
The only advice Gumble can give you however is to watch out for people with Clan names eg 'Elite'. Clans tend to have the highest proportion of hackers on Game Ranger. They also have generally good players so its hard to tell. Also if you see a black car driving around the map, or a tanked-out baby in a pram then thats a fairly good indicator of a cheater.
Hacking, Aim-botting, or training in FPS games like Tremulous is so much worse however. GO TREMULOUS! I'm not sure if trainers exist for the latest patch, but I have seen them for 1.0b. I believe they allow you to use the woodstock etc cheats. I thought ES fixed this by making the game go out of sync if resources didn't match.