Mkvtools 3 Mac Serial Port
Honestly don't know, I had yosmite installed when I downloaded the Arduino IDE, and things just worked, it was only after I installed El Capitan that I suddenly noticed my project was no longer connecting to the Ardiono, so I hooked up a spare Arduino board I had also gotten from eBay and then I discovered that I could not upload our project sketch because the port was reading as a blue tooth input device. Thankfully your solution of downloading and installing that driver seems to have cured the issue.

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But yeah from the get go I never had the problem with Yosemite O.S. Only when I upgraded to El Capitan. Ok I have the same problem with a UNO with the CH340 serial chip. I have Serria 10.12.3 and have installed the appropriate drivers for the chip and Serria 10.12 however. As soon as I plug in the USB to the arduino the iMac crashes.
Now at present I havent removed the FTDI drivers as instructed because I dont know what else they might be used for (anyone know?) (Edit: OK I see the FTDI drivers are used for other Arduino cards, and I have a couple so better not remove them from the system) Anyone else having this problem or any suggestions? (Edit: I have removed the CH340 driver and stopped the crash however the fundimental problem still exists - I cant communicate with the cH340 equiped UNO) Debs. I've come across this problem a couple of times and in both times the resolution depended on the board. The first Arduino Uno R3 board appeared to be legitimate, but came from a different vendor. I have documented the steps that solved this below as 'Scenario A' and 'Scenario B': ====================== Scenario A 1. Install the CH340 driver 2.
Remove the FTDI drivers from my mac. Apple recently installed a new utility that prevents removal of what it considers to be critical components. The process that enforces this rule is called csrutil.

You'll have to disable this process to remove the FTDI driver. Then you'll need to re-enable it when you are done. This required a restart in recovery mode. Here's how to do that: a.) power off the mac then hold 'command'+R during the restart until the image of the apple appears. B.) when the screen refreshes, click on 'Utilities' menu then 'Terminal.
C.) type csrutil disable d.) Hit enter e.) Restart 3. Remove the FTDI drivers with the following command: sudo rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBFTDI.kext Type in your password when prompted. Restore the apple csrutil by following steps a and b above.
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Task c will be the same EXCEPT you'll type this instead: csrutil enable Then follow steps d and e. When you restart the arduino IDE, you should see a more comprehensive list of ports besides just the bluetooth port. ====================== Scenario B This board was an import and clearly not an original Arduino/Genuino.
Attempts to load sketches resulted in this lovely error: Using Port: /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 Using Programmer: arduino Overriding Baud Rate: 115200 avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device '/dev/cu.usbmodem1421': No such file or directory ioctl('TIOCMGET'): Inappropriate ioctl for device There was only one Port listed in the IDE, dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port. It had been a while since Scenario A had occurred and since then I'd installed a few OS updates. Checked the drivers and low and behold, the darned FTDI drivers had RETURNED!! Kenang-kenangan hidup pdf reader.
I repeated the steps in scenario A above but the problem remained. Then I installed an updated board configuration from arduino and it worked! Testing on the first board I'd used under scenario A were successful as well. Here's what I did: 1. In the IDE go to Tools-> Boards -> Boards Manager 2. I installed 'Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3) by Arduino version 1.6.8 3. Unplugged and replugged the USB cable into my arduino.
In the IDE go to Tools -> Port. The /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 was listed as a port option.
Selected that. Uploaded my sketch. Bask in glory of SUCCESS! I hope this was helpful to you. I spent two days on Scenario A and 3 hours on Scenario B. Hi there, I am so happy, that I could manage to get it working again after I spend weeks searching the internet. Here is my story, maybe it is useful for somebody.