Program De Cantat La Tastatura Organoleptic
De Cantat la Orga: Foloseste tastatura pentru a canta la orga. Statistici Acest joc a fost jucat de 8. Ieri am descarcat un program de cantat la tastatura ( de cantat ca la orga), si nu stiu ce sa cant.
'Call for Artists: Snapshots - Digital and Photographic 2-D Work' 2005-11-11 until 2005-11-27 Gallery 25 Fresno, CA, USA United States of America 'Snapshots' Open call for entries for an un-juried show featuring digital art and photography: All entries recieved by the deadline will be exhibited in our gallery arranged mural-like, edge to edge. During the exhibition the images and artist information will be available for gallery visitors to view in a special artist portfolio which will remain in the gallery for public viewing. Prints can be made available to buyers by directly contacting the artist. Entrants submit two (2) prints of a single original work, (one image for the wall, a second for the portfolio) and should be printed from their home computer.
All styles of 2D artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable. We are interested in the immediacy with which work can be created through digital means in our contemporary culture.
This show represents a literal snapshot of a moment in art history where the creation of Art has been dymistified, and is in the hands of the many, and not just a select chosen few. The show will be widely promoted and will include a reception for the artists. This call is international, and open to all. ALL WORK GUARANTEED EXHIBITION. Show Dates: December 1 - 18, 2005 Deadline for entries: November 27, 2005 Entry Fee: Registration fee is $30. US (cashiers check or money order, please no personel checks) Multiple entries are permitted.
Limit of 3 entries per person. Registration fee for each additional image.) Submission Rules: Work should be 8-1/2 X 11 (with 1/2' borders) and mailed directly to the gallery( at the above address), along with a brief statement about you, your work and contact information, (ie. E-mail address/website, price of work). Artist name and e-mail address should be clearly printed on back side of all images. An SASE should be included if work is to be returned.
All work sent without an SASE will become property of Gallery 25. Remember, we need two (2) prints of EACH image, one to exhibit on the wall, the other for the artist's portfolio to accompany the artist's statement and contact information. (So, if you submit 2 images, we need 4 prints, and a payment of $40.) Sales of Artwork: Submissions will be included in the artist's portfolio which will be on display with the show and will be offered for sale. Price and type of print to be determined by the artist when interest is shown by a buyer in a particular work. Artists retain ownership of all intellectual property rights to their artwork and prints are made by permission of the artist only.
Gallery 25 is not responsible for initiated sales, and accepts no responsibility for transactions between buyer and artist. Gallery Information: Gallery 25, located in Fresno, California is one of the oldest cooperative galleries in the country. Formed in 1974, the Gallery has been a forum for contemporary art since its inception. The origins are in the feminist art movement of the early 1970‚s. In 1970, California State University‚s Art Department developed one of the first feminist art education programs in the country. This program was brought into existence by visiting artist Judy Chicago who was searching for a place to develop her ideas for the education of women artists.
After Chicago‚s departure, the program became an integral part of the art curriculum under the leadership of art professor Joyce Aiken. Located in a beautifully restored building at the corner of Van Ness and Mono Street, Gallery 25 anchors the west end of block populated by several art galleries and artists studios in the heart of downtown Fresno. Download game crash bandicoot mutant island iso ppsspp.
Ca sa clarificam. Si nu e o data aleasa la intamplare.
Dupa jumatatea lui decembrie o sa fim toti plecati in vacanta si deci fara internet:), daca ducem lucrurile pana in ianuarie deja n-o sa mai fie premiile '2005'. Asa ca propun ca prin 8-9 decembrie sa ne apucam de 'treaba', adica sa citim si sa discutam textele, in masura posibilitatilor, desigur. Exista deja o idee de 'evaluare', a lui gabi.boldis si una de 'notare' a zarazei.

Mie mi se par ambele adecvate. Rentmaster keygen generator cracked. Dar mai discutam. Nici eu n-o sa mai stau prea mult pe site pentru ca am un program mai degraba incarcat in ultima vreme, dar promit sa incerc sa nu neglijez 'initiativa maan'. _____________________________________________________ Communication is not just words, communication is architecture.