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How to install xm360 on your jtag tutorial mw2. It is a topic that MTG players often joke about, with phrases like 'cardboard crack' or 'being bitten by the magic bug.' I figured it can't hurt to, for the first time (for me at least) have an actual discussion about any truths or validity to MTG being addicting, or whether it can actually be a serious thing, jokes aside. Don't want to make this too personal, but I figured I'd share my experience in order to prompt others: I consider myself a competitive magic player: I strive to perform well at big tournaments on MTGO and in paper and I play tier 1 decks. If I'm honest with myself, I sometimes lack restraint. Sometimes, I should be focusing on attending to things in my real life, but instead I find myself watching a stream or playing MTGO. Nothing has gotten too out of hand, I'm relatively happy with where my real life is. But could I be in a better place in real life if I didn't devote SO MUCH time to Magic?
If I step back and think about the time I've devoted to MTG in the past 2.5 years, it is unfathomable. And I know I should devote less time to it if I want to advance my career, but when I really think about it - I don't think I COULD devote less time to it, unless a serious, life-changing event occurred. Your thoughts?
Your experiences? Do you know of any gross examples of MTG addiction? But could I be in a better place in real life if I didn't devote SO MUCH time to Magic? If I step back and think about the time I've devoted to MTG in the past 2.5 years, it is unfathomable. Well, if you're going to go that route, the same can be said for a lot of other hobbies. Even TV, games, art, hell sleeping or eating more than what is strictly necessary.
Compared to other hobbies and addictions go, MTG isn't _that_ expensive, far more social and intellectually stimulating. Definitely, that guy who murdered somebody for cards went too far, but arguably that's as much about plain greed as it is about MtG. Quote from Enjoying something is not an addiction. Joking around is one thing, but seriously considering it an addiction is purely an excuse, and marginalizes the real issues people have with genuine addictions. Thats really not true. You can be addicted to anything.